GALEAS™ Bladder
GALEAS™ Bladder
Bead Xtract cfDNA kit
Bead Xtract cfDNA kit
GALEAS™ Hereditary Plus
GALEAS™ Hereditary Plus
Cell3™ Preserver Whole blood stabilization tube
Cell3™ Preserver Whole blood stabilization tube
Cell3™ Xtract: Cell-free DNA extraction kit
Cell3™ Xtract: Cell-free DNA extraction kit
Cell3™ Target: Custom panel for cfDNA
Cell3™ Target: Custom panel for cfDNA
Cell3™ Target: Nexome
Cell3™ Target: Nexome
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GALEAS™ Bladder
Bead Xtract cfDNA kit
GALEAS™ Hereditary Plus
Cell3™ Preserver Whole blood stabilization tube
Cell3™ Xtract: Cell-free DNA extraction kit
Cell3™ Target: Custom panel for cfDNA
Cell3™ Target: Nexome
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Our Products

GALEAS™Oncology Panels

GALEAS™系列產品是結合了Cell3™ Target NGS技術與生物資訊分析流程的綜合解決方案。適用於組織及液態活檢樣本。此方案能幫助實現癌症早期精確檢測,在設計上的優化更能檢出較低頻率的突變,為癌症研究和臨床治療提供了精密的患者監測和更準確的決策參考。

Cell3™ Target: Custom Panel

Cell3™ Target技術提供高敏感度的客製化NGS目標擴增panel,並測試過各類型DNA樣本,包括cfDNAgDNAFFPE DNA等。 採用了嚴格的品質控制以確保均勻覆蓋,並結合錯誤抑制技術,可以準確檢出最低0.1%等位基因頻率(VAF)的微小突變。
客製化方案提供免費的線上設計工具,只要上傳BED file基因列表基因座標,快速設計涵蓋1至1000個基因的訂製套組。

Cell3™ Target內置了業界頂尖的整合算法,能自動屏蔽高重複區域並補足設計上的缺口,達成高效且均勻的目標區域覆蓋。





在基因檢測中,合適的樣本製備對結果的準確至關重要。特別是cfDNA的處理上,需要提升樣本的收集、儲存和抽取的品質。提高cfDNA的回收量、純度和品質是可靠分析的基礎。為此,我們推出了優化的cfDNA採血管的「Cell3™ Preserver」,以及cfDNA專用的抽取試劑「Cell3 Xtract」和「Bead Xtract」。


GALEAS™ uPCR: Precision in Detection

Ultra-PCR (uPCR) is an advanced amplification method that enhances the sensitivity and specificity of mutation detection, particularly in low-frequency variants found in cell-free DNA (cfDNA). This technology provides accurate and reliable results, making it ideal for precision oncology.

GALEAS™ uPCR: ESR1 employs Nonacus’ proprietary uPCR technology to detect 11 critical ESR1 mutations linked to endocrine therapy resistance in breast cancer. With its simple, streamlined protocol, GALEAS™ uPCR: ESR1 is a fast, cost-effective solution that requires no sophisticated equipment, providing accurate results in under three hours.

This assay empowers clinical and research laboratories with the ability to detect ESR1 mutations quickly and efficiently, supporting informed decisions in metastatic breast cancer management.