Cell3™ Preserver: Whole Blood Collection Tube for Cell-Free DNA (cfDNA)

Cell3™ Preserver

Reliable Whole Blood Collection tube for cfDNA (Cell-Free DNA) Stabilization and Preservation

Blood Collection Tube for Reliable cfDNA (Cell-Free DNA) Analysis

In genetic testing, sample integrity is critical. Cell3™ Preserver is an advanced whole blood collection tube designed to maintain the quality of circulating free DNA (cfDNA) for up to 15 days at room temperature, ensuring accurate results for non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT), liquid biopsy, and other molecular diagnostics.

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Why Choose Cell3™ Preserver?

Long-Term Stability

Preserves whole blood samples for 15 days, without the need of refrigeration

Versatile Applications

Supports advanced applications like qPCR and NGS workflows

Safe & Compatible

Plastic evacuated tube format reduces breakage risk and integrates seamlessly with standard lab equipment

Superior Performance

Exceptional performance in maintaining cfDNA integrity and fetal fraction consistency

Key Features of Cell3™ Preserver

Enhanced Blood Sample Stability

Cell3™ Preserver collects and stabilizes whole blood at room temperature for 15 days, eliminating the need for immediate processing or cold chain logistics. Ideal for long-distance transport or unexpected delays.

Suitable for Advanced Applications

  • Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT)
    Maintains fetal DNA fraction consistency, enabling accurate detection of chromosomal abnormalities (e.g., trisomy 21, monosomy X).
  • Liquid Biopsy
    Preserves ctDNA integrity for reliable cancer mutation detection in metastatic patients.
  • Compatibility
    Works with qPCR, DNA fragment analysis, whole-genome sequencing, and targeted sequencing platforms.

Designed for Safe Handling

  • Plastic Evacuated Tube
    Durable, disposable, and compatible with standard blood collection systems.
  • Reduced Contamination Risk
    Minimizes pre-analytical variability for consistent results.

Validated on Multiple Platforms

Performance has been validated across various methodologies, including qPCR, DNA fragment analysis, and NGS (whole-genome and targeted sequencing). Results show performance equal to or better than other products in the market.


Blood samples from five patients stored in Cell3™ Preserver and a competitor’s tube (Company S) were analyzed:

  • Accurate Results
    Correctly identified fetal chromosomal abnormalities, including monosomy X and normal karyotypes
  • Fetal Fraction Consistency
    Cell3™ Preserver showed stable fetal DNA levels at Day 5 and Day 11, matching Company S’s performance at Day 5 (Figure 1)
Figure 1 Consistent Fetal DNA Fraction Across Preservation Periods with Cell3™ Preserver

Liquid Biopsy

Blood samples from metastatic breast cancer patients post-chemotherapy preserved in Cell3™ Preserver and Company S’s tube were compared:

  • Pathogenic Variant Detection
    Both tubes identified two therapeutic-relevant mutations in ctDNA and FFPE tumor tissue, absent in germline DNA
  • Variant Frequency Correlation
    Cell3™ Preserver matched competitor performance in mutation detection accuracy (Figure 2)
Figure 2 Two identified pathogenic variants were found present in the FFPE and ctDNA samples, but not in the germline gDNA

Streamline Your Workflow with Cell3™ Preserver

  • Collect: Utilize Cell3™ Preserver Tubes for blood collections
  • Store: Keep blood samples stable at room temperature for up to 15 days
  • Process: Extract high-quality cfDNA for downstream analysis
Ordering Information
ProductCatalog No.
Cell3™ Preserver blood collection tubes (50 tubes)PRE_C3P_WBS_50
Product Resources
Cell3™ Preserver: Whole Blood Stabilization Tube Data Sheet
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