Bead Xtract: Cell-Free DNA (cfDNA) Extraction Kit

Bead Xtract cfDNA Extraction kit

cfDNA Extraction Kit for Manual and Automation Workflows

Advancing cfDNA Extraction with High Efficiency and Purity

The Bead Xtract revolutionizes cell-free DNA isolation with unmatched efficiency and scalability. Designed for both manual and automated workflows, this magnetic bead-based kit ensures rapid, high-purity cfDNA recovery from up to 10 mL of plasma or serum, ideal for cancer research, liquid biopsies, and non-invasive diagnostics. Since no funnels or vacuum filtration are required, manual handling time can be minimized.

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Why Choose Bead Xtract?

Scalable Workflows

Process 0.5-10 mL samples with a single kit

Manual and Automation-Ready

Designed for both hands-on processing and high-throughput automation, compatible with Hamilton ML Star and other liquid handlers

High Purity, Minimal Contamination

Optimized buffers enhance small DNA fragment recovery while minimizing genomic DNA (gDNA) contamination for reliable downstream analysis

Superior Yield and Efficiency

Achieves higher cfDNA recovery compared to competitors’ bead-based and spin-column kits, ensuring optimal performance for qPCR, ddPCR, and NGS

Key Features

Flexible Input Volumes, Maximum Efficiency

  • Easily adapt to varying sample volumes without compromising yield, perfect for research and clinical settings
Kit sizeNo. of extractions
with 1 ml input
No. of extractions
with 2 ml input
No. of extractions
with 4 ml input
Table 1 The Bead Xtract cfDNA protocol enables a range of input volumes within the same kit.

Minimized Contamination, Enhanced Purity cfDNA for Demanding Applications

The dissolution and binding buffers of Bead Xtract are optimized to maximize the recovery of small DNA fragments while minimizing contamination with gDNA. The extracted high-quality cfDNA is suitable for applications such as quantitative PCR (qPCR), droplet digital PCR (ddPCR), and next-generation sequencing (NGS) (Figure 1).

Figure 1 Average DNA yield (ng) extracted from 1 ml plasma replicates using a range of different bead-based and spin-column based extraction kits. cfDNA was extracted following the manufacturer’s instructions and eluted into 50 µl of elution buffer. DNA concentration was determined using high sensitivity reagents on the Qubit 3.0 (Invitrogen).

High Performance cfDNA Extraction

  • The strong binding capacity of the magnetic particles used in the Bead Xtract cfDNA Extraction kit allows for a higher DNA yield from plasma samples compared to cfDNA extraction kits from other major manufacturers (Figure 2). Additionally, it is possible to reduce the amount of particles needed to isolate the DNA, enabling a final elution volume of only 30-60 µL even when using 10 mL of plasma. This eliminates the need for vacuum filtration of the DNA, streamlining the protocol and ensuring that the final cfDNA sample concentration is suitable for applications such as NGS.
Figure 2 Average DNA yield (ng) extracted from 1 ml plasma replicates using a range of different bead-based and spin-column based extraction kits. cfDNA was extracted following the manufacturer’s instructions and eluted into 50 µl of elution buffer. DNA concentration was determined using high sensitivity reagents on the Qubit 3.0 (Invitrogen).

Flexible Automation and Manual Workflow

  • Bead Xtract offers flexibility for execution both manually and through automation, accommodating a variety of sample processing volumes. The automated process from lysis to extraction has been validated on platforms such as the Hamilton ML STAR, and scripts are available for compatibility with various open-end liquid handlers. In fully automated cfDNA extraction, setup takes just 30 minutes, and processing 4 mL samples across 48 specimens with a 96-head Hamilton ML STAR can be completed in under 3 hours.

    Ordering Information
    ProductCatalog No.
    Bead Xtract cfDNA, 20 (1 ml) extractionsPRE_EXT_BXC_20
    Bead Xtract, cfDNA 200 (1 ml) extractionsPRE_EXT_BXC_200
    Bead Xtract, cfDNA 800 (1 ml) extractionsPRE_EXT_BXC_800
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